Law Marketing
Media Relations
Web Site Development
Editorial Services
Management Counseling
Speaking Platforms


Law Marketing &
Law Publicity
Law Marketing

Analyze special expertise of law firm and individuals to be used for external publicity purposes and law firm marketing.

Conduct inventory of outside activities of law firm partners and other attorneys to determine community involvement, and advise of areas where law firm might consider additional participation.

Analyze positioning of the law firm through external and internal audit. How are you regarded by partners, associates, clients and colleagues?

Generate media coverage in the legal, business and general press on matters of professional expertise.

Provide professional advice, counsel and service on litigation and other activities which necessitate dealing with the press.

Develop legal advisories for use as direct mail pieces for law firm marketing.

Development of a firm-wide program of practice development to stimulate all professionals to think about new business activities.

Create collateral materials, including press materials and capabilities brochures, reprints of articles and news coverage, newsletters.

Consideration of educational activities and seminars to gain recognition for the law firm among prospects and current clients.

Training in public speaking and dealing with the press.

Speaking engagements and related publicity, for use as direct mail reminders to clients and prospects.

News and topic releases - new partners, mergers, successful litigation, changes in the law, special honors to law firm members, outside activities, etc.

Interviews on radio and television - panel shows, interviews on the law, timely discussions related to matters of current interest that reflect the firm's special experience.

Research and develop strategic referral networks among other professionals.

Create and update website on a regular basis to keep the site current.

Establish intake and tracking systems to verify effectiveness of public relations and marketing programs.

  Shari L. Peyser
Phone 631.595.7150
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